Adsl trouble shooting guide.
- Unplug all telephones and other devices including any filters from your phone sockets and see if your modem/router will work when plugged directly in to the socket.
- Try plugging your modem/router directly in to the master socket.
- Behind the master socket there is a "test socket". You can undo the 2 screws on the faceplate and access the test socket. Do not however remove the actual socket or expose any of the BT wiring.
If your problem is resolved at stage 1 or 2 then its likely a problem with either your filters or the way any extensions are wired up. ~ Check that you have installed your filters correctly. ~ Add one piece of equipment and filter at a time so that you can track down where the problem lies. If BT find that your problem is at these stages they will in all likelyhood make a charge for being called out.
If your problem is solved at stage 3 and particulary if you were having problems related to a low SNR margin then consider replacing the faceplate on your master socket with a special NTE5 adsl faceplate.
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